A new series is out on Netflix. You will watch it...
On the day of its release
All through the night because sleep is for the weak!
If the reviews sound interesting
Your friends are going gaga about a show you haven't watched yet...
You will be unaffected
You'd watch it to not miss out on conversations
You'll research to see if it's worth your time
When the latest season of your favourite series is coming out. Do you..
Plan your whole month around it so they don't clash with your schedule
Drop EVERYTHING to watch it first!
Take all your stuff and move to the couch
Everyone's talking about the latest episode of a new series. And you..?
Have already seen it
Panic that you haven't watched it yet
Have secretly watched it but pretend to not know much about it
It's your day off and you plan to GO BINGE! Do you..
Make a binge plan with timings of all the seasons
Sleep through the day since you already stayed up too late binging
Grab your popcorn and prepare to lazily binge all day
What genre always leaves you wanting more?
Thriller series to keep you up all night
Whatever the latest memes are based on!
A series as comfy as your favourite spot on the couch
You're almost there! Fill in your details here
T & Cs