Content is king. It has the ability to make or break a brand’s presence extending from social media to traditional forms of media which can also impact their sales in a negative or a positive manne…

Content is king. It has the ability to make or break a brand’s presence extending from social media to traditional forms of media which can also impact their sales in a negative or a positive manne…
Choosing a plan that suits your needs is the biggest challenge before getting an internet connection. Sometimes you will pick up a plan and will realise later on that it is not enough or is more than…
We already know all the devices have different wireless capabilities and the speed depends on multiple factors. Devices such as mobiles and tablets will have a lesser capability than the desktop and …
The advent of the Internet has made the world a global village. There is thus some poetic justice to the fact that more and more villages are going global today with the help of internet connections.…
For optimal broadband speed and Wi-Fi performance, router placement is crucial. Firstly, research the best internet provider in your area for reliable service. Next, position your router centrally to…
When you do a speed test, you see two numbers in the results: one is your upload speed and the other is your download speed. The results will be your plan speed in Mbps, but the speed while actual do…
Activating your Playbox TV OTT subscription is a simple process, which you can do in no time if you have an Excitel subscription at home to enjoy your free time. Here’s a guide to help you acti…
ollow 5 useful steps to get your Instagram reels trending/viral. Increase your Instagram reels views count using easy tips & tricks. …
March 2020 saw the rise of a new lifestyle consisting of home workout, Mental Health during lockdown, yoga and meditation and government initiatives.…
Fiber broadband is a key that enables superior gaming experience. Online gaming helps increase hand-eye coordination and increases the ability to work and perform tasks better under pressure.…