Impact of Latency on Online Gaming with Excitel Broadband

Impact of Latency on Online Gaming with Excitel Broadband

Milliseconds can make the difference between victory and defeat in the fast-paced online gaming world. As one of the leading low-latency internet providers, Excitel understands latency’s critical role in gaming performance. In this guide, we’ll explore the impact of latency on online gaming and how Excitel broadband helps minimise latency to enhance your gaming experience.

The Difference Between High and Low Latency

Latency, often called ping, is the time data travels from your device to the game server and back again. Low latency is essential for smooth gameplay in online gaming, as it ensures that your actions are registered instantly and accurately. High latency, on the other hand, results in delays and lag, making gameplay feel sluggish and unresponsive.

What Causes High Latency in Gaming?

Several factors can contribute to high latency in gaming, including:

  1. The hardware specification of your server: Outdated or underpowered server hardware can delay game data processing, resulting in high latency for players.
  2. The server’s location: The physical distance between your location and the game server can increase latency, as data takes longer to travel over longer distances.
  3. Your gaming server’s internet connection: If the game server’s internet connection is slow or congested, it can cause delays in transmitting data to and from players, resulting in high latency.

How Can I Reduce Latency in Gaming?

While some factors affecting latency are beyond your control, there are several steps you can take to reduce latency and improve your gaming experience:

  1. Physical distance: Choose gaming servers that are geographically closer to your location to minimise latency caused by distance.
  2. Dedicated gaming servers: Look for games that offer dedicated servers, which have better performance and lower latency than peer-to-peer connections.
  3. Player hardware: Invest in high-quality gaming hardware, including a low-latency gaming mouse and a gaming router optimised for performance and stability.
  4. Internet connection: Choose a low-latency broadband provider like Excitel, which offers high-speed fiber internet with minimal latency for an optimal gaming experience.
  5. Close background applications: Close unnecessary background applications and processes on your device to free up resources and reduce latency in gaming.

Excitel Broadband: Minimising Latency for Ultimate Gaming Performance

Excitel broadband is designed with gaming in mind, offering low latency and high-speed internet connectivity to ensure smooth and responsive gameplay. With Excitel’s fibre broadband technology, data travels at lightning-fast speeds, minimising latency and providing gamers with the competitive edge they need to succeed.
Furthermore, Excitel’s dedicated customer support team is available to assist gamers with any latency-related issues they may encounter. Whether troubleshooting connectivity issues or optimising router settings for gaming, Excitel’s support staff is committed to ensuring gamers have a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.
Latency is crucial in online gaming, affecting gameplay performance and responsiveness. With Excitel broadband, gamers can enjoy low-latency internet connectivity that minimises delays and lag, providing a competitive advantage in online gaming. Excitel broadband is ideal for an unparalleled gaming experience, whether you’re a casual gamer or a competitive esports enthusiast.


  1. What is latency, and how does it affect my online gaming experience?
    Latency, also known as ping, refers to the time data travels from your device to the game server and back again. In online gaming, latency affects gameplay by determining how quickly your actions are registered. Low latency results in smooth and responsive gameplay, while high latency causes delays and lag, negatively impacting your gaming experience.
  2. How can I measure and reduce latency when gaming online?
    You can measure latency using in-game ping indicators or third-party latency testing tools. To reduce latency when gaming online, consider the following strategies:
    • Choose gaming servers closer to your location.
    • Opt for dedicated gaming servers.
    • Invest in high-quality gaming hardware, such as low-latency gaming mice and routers.
    • Choose a low-latency broadband provider like Excitel.
    • Close unnecessary background applications on your device to free up resources.
  3. What are some common strategies for minimising the impact of latency on my gaming performance?
    Common strategies for minimising latency in online gaming include:

    • Selecting gaming servers closer to your location to reduce physical distance.
    • Choosing games with dedicated servers for better performance.
    • Investing in high-quality gaming hardware optimised for low-latency gameplay.
    • Selecting a low-latency broadband provider like Excitel.
    • Closing unnecessary background applications to free up resources and reduce latency.

    Regularly monitoring and optimising router settings can minimise latency and improve gaming performance.