How do you log in to your Wi-Fi router?

How do you log in to your Wi-Fi router?

All of us want a super-fast internet connection at home. After finding an ISP that gives a reliable and stable internet connection , we forget to safeguard the router from hackers and other potential threats. Read here what you can do to secure your network at home.

Mastering Wi-Fi router access: A step-by-step guide

When you log onto your router, you can do many things, like change the network name and password, see the new router safety features, etc. You only need your router’s IP address and the administrator’s username and password. The IP address can usually be found at the bottom or back of the router. You can also find the username and password on a few routers, and if not, you can find these in the manual. Some standard router IP addresses include and, and common router usernames and passwords like admin, password, and 12345. You can follow this method if you don’t know the username or password.

Do this once you know what the administrator’s name and password are:

  1. Open your web browser either on your phone, tablet or laptop.
  2. Type the router’s ID on the search bar and press enter.
  3. You must provide the administrator’s name and password and click on Enter again.

You can change anything since you are on the router’s web interface. But, before doing this, ensure you
read the user manual to avoid further glitches. Here are some additional tips for logging into your Wi-Fi router:

  • Irrespective of your devices, check if the Wi-Fi is on to do these steps.
  • You must restart your router if there’s an issue in performing these.
  • There might be other manufacturing issues in your router at times. For this, contacting someone from the customer team of the router company can be helpful.

Securing your network : Accessing your Wi-Fi router safely

Update your router often :

Your router gets software updates at regular intervals. To stay safe from any online attacks, update it regulary or contact your ISP to help you in this process.

Create guest access :

Anyone with your Wi-Fi password can access the shared files and other details about your network. If you have someone accessing your network often other than your family, creating a guest access feature is safe, which controls them from using the essential settings. It allows them to
use only the network whenever necessary.

Setup secure password :

Never keep your favourite thing, character’s name, or date of birth as the password. These can be easily tracked down. Combine upper and lower cases, numbers, and symbols for your router and Wi-Fi password.

Turn off your router when you leave home :

If you are away for a few days, turn off the router. This helps keep the malicious threats away from your network, and no one will be able to hack it too.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

  1. What is the default login information for my Wi-Fi router, and how can I find it?
    The administrator’s name will be admin@123, and the password will be 1234. This is the universal credential before anyone can set up the router at home or business.
  2. Why must I access my router’s settings, and what can I do once logged in?
    Anyone should need access to the router’s settings to change the Wi-Fi password, network name, and security settings. With this, troubleshooting network problems can get easy.
  3. What steps should I take if I’ve forgotten my router’s username and password?
    You can reset the username and password on the browser by clicking on the ‘Forgot username or password’ tab online.